How to use food & The Five Pillars to achieve optimal health in your pets Virtual Workshop
How to use food & The Five Pillars to achieve optimal health in your pets Virtual Workshop
Do you feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out which food is best for your dog?
Are you curious about what a holistic look at your dog’s health looks like?
Do you want to know more about how nutrition changes can help your dog feel better?
Well, then, you’re in luck!
Dr. Katie Woodley, BVCs, GDVCHM, cVMA, is a holistic veterinarian and the owner of The Natural Pet Doctor. Her mission is to ensure all pet parents have access to herbal medicine, supplementation, and nutritional advice throughout their pet’s lifetime that helps them thrive rather than survive.
In this workshop we will dive into the use of nutrition as a foundation for a happy and healthy dog. This is a workshop for everyone – whether you want to know what kibble is best suited for your dog, an introduction to feeding raw, elevating your dog’s raw meals, making homemade food, supplements and herbs, or wanting more information about it all.
The world of canine nutrition can be very confusing! The Natural Pet Doctor is here to help!
When: March 2, at 6:00 pm MST*
Cost: $25
*A temporary recording of the workshop will be available for 48 hours after the event.